Vehicle owners are required to maintain Georgia liability insurance coverage on all vehicles registered in the state of Georgia. Failure to do so will lead to fines and the eventual suspension of your vehicle registration.
Insurance cards are not considered acceptable proof of insurance for vehicle registration purposes in Georgia.
Insurance companies are required to transmit insurance information electronically into the State of Georgia’s Motor Vehicle Division’s database within 30 days of your obtaining insurance. You will need to verify the accuracy of their VIN number on your insurance card. If the VIN is incorrect, then the insurance information will not be transmitted properly.
When the Motor Vehicle database does not indicate valid proof of insurance, the following are acceptable:
Your insurance card is still valid proof of insurance for the following:
If insurance is to be canceled for any of the reasons listed below, you should cancel
your vehicle registration BEFORE canceling your insurance. If you fail to cancel your
vehicle registration timely you will be assessed a $25 lapse fee. If the $25 lapse fee
is not paid within 30 days of the letter mailed to you by the Motor Vehicle Division, a
$60 suspension fee will also be assessed, for a total of $85. If this $85 is not paid
timely, suspension of vehicle registration will occur.
Valid reasons for canceling a registration are:
You must come into our office to “voluntarily” cancel your registration or go online here. You will need to have your driver’s license and vehicle tag number of the vehicle you are canceling.
If the vehicle is to be placed back into operation and you have established valid Georgia insurance coverage once again, you must visit our office or go online here to have the current vehicle registration reinstated. If the vehicle registration has since expired, you will need to renew the vehicle registration at that point.
A lapse in insurance occurs when a vehicle has not carried valid Georgia liability insurance coverage for a period of more than 10 days. Insurance companies are required to report termination of insurance to the State of Georgia’s Motor Vehicle database.
The Motor Vehicle Division will send notification to the vehicle owner when a lapse has occurred and you will be assessed a $25 lapse fee. If the $25 lapse fee is not paid within 30 days of the letter mailed to you by the Motor Vehicle Division, a $60 suspension fee will also be assessed, for a total of $85. If this $85 is not paid timely, suspension of vehicle registration will occur.
Click here for more information regarding suspension fees:
Office Location
112 West Water St.,
1st floor of County Courthouse,
Bainbridge, GA 39817
Click here for map >
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 246,
Bainbridge, GA 39817
Office Hours
8:00am - 5:00pm
GovtWindow Help
(877) 575-7233